domingo, 18 de enero de 2009

"Clementine": Tema de Enero para el Virtual sketch date.

Mi segunda participación en el Virtual Sketch Date correspondiente al mes de Enero de 2009:

Espero les guste!


20 comentarios:

Jeanette Jobson dijo...

Lovely colours, they complement so well. Great job.

Nothing to See dijo...

Es muy bonita (bonito). Bueno!

ego2005 dijo...

Thanks Jeanette! A pleasure!

Gracias Ana Tirolese!

MILLY dijo...

I like your strong blue, then the delicate pale orangey colours, very nice style.

laura dijo...

Very nice... I especially like how you handled the background; the blues complement the orange beautifully.

"JeanneG" dijo...

I like it a lot and like the few little lines you have added in places for accent. Great job.

Nancy Eaton dijo...

Just beautiful! You captured the clementing perfectly!

M J Muir dijo...

Nice touch! You captured a difficult subject with ease.

ego2005 dijo...

MILLY: Thanks! I tought a lot about the blue and finally decided to do it! Thanks!

laura: Thank you, it was a complementary combination indeed!

JeanneG: Thanks!

Nancy: Thanks, it was a hard picture, but I liked the result!

bluelilac: Thank you, a pleasure to see all the images of the issue of this month, you are so kind!

Sydney Harper dijo...

Lovely colors and nice form on the clementine.

MD dijo...

I love the texture on the fruit. Nice colours too.

ego2005 dijo...

Thanks Sydney Harper and

Prior attempts for the clementine appears to be potatoes! (according to my 8-y daughter, whom is one of my fierce critics!).

Thanks for the visit and comments!

Bob Easton dijo...

Your color choices make the painting glow with light. Very nicely done!

Jenna White dijo...

It came out very nice! :)

Jennifer Rose dijo...

Great textures on the individual pieces :)

ego2005 dijo...

Bob Easton and Jenna White: Thank you!

Jennifer Rose: I appreciate your comment!

And again, thanks for the visit!


Fito dijo...

Hola García (tenemos el mismo apellido), excelente tu trabajo.

He copiado la referencia de la Mandarina o Tangerine al azar en otro blog, me gusto como referencia y ni corto ni perezoso la he ilustrado, pero he copiado tambien la referencia y quisiera solicitar permiso para exponer esa foto (de la Tangerine) en otro blog donde participo, estoy medio perdido ya que no se a quien solicitar el permiso para usar esa foto referencial, tienes idea a quien debo recurrir?

ego2005 dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ego2005 dijo...

Hola Fito: primero que nada, gracias por preguntar! La foto original, tengo entendido es de Jeanette Jobson, una de las administradoras del Virtual Sketch Blog

A ella puedes pedirle el permiso.


ego2005 dijo...

Thank you TeresaW! I appreciate your comment!


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